Saturday, May 19, 2018


I wish I didn't have to write about this, but I feel like I need to. I just want to talk about Polyvore shutting down. If you don't know what Polyvore was, it was a site where you could create fashion "sets" or "collages" and share them with the online Polyvore community. If you want more information, Google can probably give a better description. Anyway, when I tried to log in on April 5, and saw a new website in its place, I was in shock and I was devastated, to say the least. I had been using Polyvore consistently since June, 2011. Some things that I loved about it was that it was always there. It was an escape, and a way for me to express myself. I always felt free to say whatever I wanted to say and to show whatever I wanted to show. It was a wonderful way to be creative and to share my thoughts and even music I was enjoying at the time. Polyvore was such a wonderful and supportive community. I rarely ever saw any negativity on the site. Maybe once in 7 years. Everyone was so kind and encouraging. I never felt afraid to be myself on the website. I am also kind of at a loss now that I have no way of connecting with the community members. I miss looking at everyones' sets and just getting lost in another world whenever I visited the site. Anyway...I just felt like I needed to say this. I definitely miss it.

The last set I ever created:

A few of my sets that I loved:

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